Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh that boy!

MrBrawn was full of it last night! First he didn't want to share the salt shake with MsBrains, so he dumped the whole thing onto his own plate. Then, MsBrains came running to tell me that he cut his hair. I went into the bathroom and he told me "I put it back", there was a pretty good chuck of hair that fell to the floor when I ran my hands through his hair but no bald spots.
When they called their parents, she told me that "Daddy had said goodbye" and the MrBrawn was pretty upset. I heard MrBrawn tell MsBrains when they got home that his daddy would be going to jail for a few minutes (really, it's a few months, but time is a tough concept). The parents also told me that the first normal visit of the week next week is cancelled because Dad will be turning himself in. MrBrawn is not yet aware of that.
Sometimes I wonder what is truly best for the children. They are much more "stable" when they are here without any visits. But, I know they love their parents and I know I would want to see my parents, faults and all, if I was in the situation as a child. Our system is certainly not perfect, but what would be a better option? Since I'm not in charge of those things I will just keep loving on these little guys and making life as stable for them as I can.

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