Monday, November 9, 2015

Living in Limbo land

     Well, we've finally got some "answers" about Giggles' case. 
     The judges who review the appeal will be doing so and taking it into consideration on December 2, 2015. The decision could be made in one hour, or they could deliberate for many months. 
     The appeals judges look over the case "with a fine tooth comb" and make sure that everything in the process leading up to the termination of parental rights was done according to the laws that are written. They can decide to reopen the case and given parents a chance to work the case plan again and some more or they can decide that the decision made by our local judge stands. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

2 year anniversary

   Two years ago today a caseworker brought us a baby with a face only a mother could love (or so I'm told!) and I fell in love. 

    Over the last couple of years, that little boy has grown and changed (and maybe given me some gray hair!) and has become a valuable part of our family. 
    We recently had court, which I was supposed to attend telephonically but had technical issues. Luckily his attorney was texting me and keeping me in the loop. We have been named as Potential Permanent Placement (pending the appeal) and another court date has been set for December. IF (and that's a big if) the appeal process is finished and he's free for adoption, we MIGHT be able to officially call him ours before the new year! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

This kid gives me gray hair!

     A couple Saturdays ago, I had a new, terrifying experience.
     We've been staying out-of-state at my late grandfather's home. It is a nice sized home with a large yard (about 2 acres). The house is set back from highway (about 75 yards) and the out buildings are even farther back. The property is being prepared for sale so there are lots of relatives coming and going and doors and baby gates being left open while furniture is moved. 
     This particular Saturday morning my parents had been by and the kids went running outside to be near them. When they left, the kids wanted to continue playing outside. We stayed outside for a bit and then my 2 year old daughter needed a drink. I checked the location of all the kids, especially Giggles (CurlyTop). He was happily sitting on a inoperable riding lawn mower behind the garage. 
     I went inside leaving instruction with my 8 year old to keep an eye on the boys. Once inside I realized a diaper change was also in order so I did that. Then, while at the sink, I saw MsBrains (my 8 year old) quickly pass the window looking a bit frantic, as though she was chasing the little ones. When I turned to go outside she burst into the house! 
     "Mom! Giggles is out on the highway and there is a man stopped there!" 
     I hurried outside to see a man, with his pickup truck stopped on the road, standing in the road, talking (yelling) into the phone that "the idiot mother is on her way but you better send an officer out because the baby is obviously in danger"
    When I reached down to get him, Giggles happily raced around the pickup truck, thinking this was quite a fun game. I finally got him and stood waiting for the man to get off the phone. Instead he retreated to his pickup and raced away. 
     I went inside and called dispatch myself. The deputy came out and spoke with me. He didn't seem extremely concerned. I reported it to my licensing agent and DCS worker. Then, for a week, I couldn't sleep for fear that my baby would be taken over something like this. 
    I've never had a kid get out to the road.  What would you do? 

Monday, July 13, 2015


   Well, we called in for our CFT (Child, Family, Team planning teleconference) this morning. We expected a routine call; "please tell us a positive update about the child, do you have any concerns?, etcetera" 
   That happened. And then the worker from Department of Child Safety dropped a bomb. 

"The father has filed an appeal of the decision to terminate his parental rights."

It was as though the wind was sucked from my lungs in that moment. 

Now, we wait. 



Friday, May 15, 2015

Are the winds of change blowing?

     The judges decision was to terminate parental rights. Father now has 2 1/2 months to appeal the decision. Meanwhile, we wait.
     I spoke with the new (as in 6th so far) Child Safety caseworker today. She will be coming to the home to meet him and us on Tuesday. There is still a chance that a family member will be approved to adopt this little guy. The thought makes me heart-sick. Can you imagine moving a 2 year old from the only family he knows simply because of a blood connection?    
     We will also begin adoption paperwork now. Once adoption placement is filed, it would take a court order to remove him from our home. It was comforting to hear that. Then, a minute later in the conversation she said that she's currently got 3 adoption cases in appeals. Yikes!!!
     So, currently, we are specifically praying that he will be a part of our forever family, forever. And that Mama will be allowed to take him out of state for 2 months in order to help prepare some family real estate for sale. That's way too long for Daddy to work and be a single parent. 
     It's difficult to remember that this is the baby that we were asked 3 times to take before conceding. Our lives would be so so different without him. Possibly calmer, cleaner, and more predictable. But also less exciting and missing something. We wouldn't have his twinkling mischievous eyes, his arms around the neck hugs, or his full-throttle way of life. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


   Well, Little Man moved out of state, back to where his parents are. We're hoping that he will do well there. I got a text from his grandmother saying that he had settled in and is doing well in school. 
   We had trial for Giggles on Feb 20th. At that time a "ruling" was set for April 9th, as well as a Report and Review Hearing for April 15th. Despite the fact that this was a termination of parental rights trial (TPR), no decision was made. 
  The attorneys made it sound like the judge would make a decision on April 9, but that day came and went with no word. On April 15th I went to court expecting an answer, and left with nohing. Except that, by law, the judge had until close of business today, April 21, to make a decision. At 5:05pm I texted the baby's attorney and was told that parental rights were terminated. 
   Now, parents can appeal the decision, but it's a lot of work. So, we'll continue waiting for the next step.   

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Why do I want to cry?

   Our New Kid shall now be known as Little Old Man, Lil Man for short. 
    Today I had a parent conference with his teacher. I actually initiated it as I was guessing that she was going to suggest retaining him in Kindgergarten for a second year. 
     We spoke at length (over an hour) and I was right. She feels it would be best for him to repeat K next year. 
     I knew this was coming. I was prepared for it. I wanted it. I see the frustration level he's currently at.
     So why did I leave the parking lot feeling like I needed to cry? 
     My friend pointed out that I feel for him. I do. He's a smart kid! Unfortunately "the system" has taken it's toll on him. He's lost the progress that he had. 
    Now the difficulty is deciding what's best for the remainder of the year. Find a better suited program for him? Let him stay in this classroom and see how much he absorbs? Will he be "too smart" if we drop him to a K4 program? Will he get too frustrated if he stays where he is? It's too late in the school year for him to be pulled into the "intervention" program. Argh. This is so frustrating. I don't know the "right answer". 

Monday, February 2, 2015

He likes it!

I can always tell when Giggles likes his dinner. He licks his plate clean! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

New Kid on the Block

     Last week we added another kiddo to the crew. He's got sparkling eyes and an infectious grin. Tomorrow he "starts" Kindergarten for the 5th time this school year! 
      I haven't decided on his blog name yet. This child is a smart kid, but it is quite evident that there have been quite a few adults who have let him down, including previous foster families. Hopefully we are a good match for him. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Prepare your surprised face!

Trial for Termination of Parental Rights has been continued/postponed!
We've had Giggles since August 2013. 
In April it was decided that the plan was to terminate parental rights. Because of a massive amount of cases on the court calendar trial was set for August 2014. We've now had a series of events to continue/postpone trial from August to October to November to Jan 2015. And I just received word that it has been continued again, date to be announced. 
We have discovered that in the foster world you can never expect a timeline. Things can move faster or slower, depending on things in the adult world. But, in reality, it won't change much for Giggles. He'll continue to live with the family he knows and follow his normal routine, not even realizing that his life is in limbo.