Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Quotes from MrBrawn

Last Sunday MrBrawn answered the phone when his mom called. She said, "hey baby, what are you doing?" He said, "Choosing a movie with my daddy." He was talking about my hubby, I just about melted.

Earlier in the day he was talking to a teenager from church who has 2 sets of parents. He said, "I have two mommies and two daddies too. I have Mommy S, Mommy M, Daddy D, and.....oh crud, I forgot the other one but I know I have another daddy." He forgot his bio dad's name.

On the way home from preschool I asked "What did you do today? Did you use the marker boards?" His response was priceless (and he obviously heard if from an adult), "Nope, I just farted around all day."

Friday, January 27, 2012

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Looks like MrMonkey has allergy induced asthma... Same exact symptoms as big sis had at this age... Strange...
 ·  · December 10, 2011 at 6:31am via mobile
    • Stephanie Wilson Short siblings--natural, fostered, adopted have a uncanny way of being like their family members they are close to. You and Daryl will grow to look like each other, then you all will look like your dogs.... Watching the moon--the cold is trigger my cough this am too. There are still persistent desert plants shedding their love around too.
      December 10, 2011 at 6:39am · 
    • Wallin Sara He just started whispering ... ” Daddy... Daddy...” I thought he was dreaming then he whispered ” Mommy, Daddy” I asked ” you want Daddy?” He nodded his head and whispered ” Daryl Daddy”. I asked ”you want Daryl Daddy?”
      ”Yeah ”
      December 10, 2011 at 6:52am ·  ·  1
    • Wallin Sara I agree Stephanie. It's because we're together so much we start to rub off on each other. I'm pretty sure the dog has learned to say ” NO!” from the kids.
      Stupid desert plants neec to stop sharing.
      December 10, 2011 at 6:55am · 

MrMonkey just came marching into the kitchen and said, "Mommy! Where's myDaryl Daddy?!" ...ahhh, it's the little things in life.... — with Daryl Staley.
 ·  · Tag Friends · December 13, 2011 at 1:56pm
  • Ay WallinEllen Staley and 2 others like this.
    • Andrea Campbell Gavin referred to his dad today as Daddy Campbell. He also dictated his letter to Santa starting with "Dear Santa Campbell". Can ya tell we have ben working on his full name lately???
      December 13, 2011 at 5:05pm ·  ·  1
    • Ay Wallin YAY! Very wonderful!
      December 14, 2011 at 9:45pm · 

While listening to our preschool songs, the song "this is the way we...." my daughter asks, "Mommy, what is iron our clothes?"
OOPS! I've been caught! I use a damp washcloth and the dryer...
 ·  · December 15, 2011 at 9:47am

My kids crack me up! This morning MrBrawn announced that Uncle Lee would be arriving today in a rocket ship. Later, MrMonkey was sitting on the couch quoted, to no one particular, Train Your Dragon... ”Dragons always, always go for the kill.” Tonight, We took an adventure to get Uncle Lee from the airport. In Cal-Nev-Ari, I heard my daughter say ”Look! It's a village!” This after she quoted a Barbie movie to me, ”Are we there yet, we've been walking forever...” — withDaryl Staley and 4 others.

Funniest moment so far today, MrMonkey crawling along the floor, eating one cheerio at a time, in response to my request to "pick up your spilled cereal"
 ·  · January 1 at 10:20am

Sneaked into the middle of MrMonkey's bedtime prayer ”and help Mama give me candy”...
 ·  · January 3 at 7:39pm via mobile

Big brother manipulation at it's best!
MrBrawn decided to play with MrMonkey's toy truck (they have the same one) and broke the wheel completely off. Brawn brought it to me to fix and I told him he was out of luck (not knowing it was not his truck). He said, "No, Monkey is out of luck." I told him that his brother was going to be upset when he realized that big brother broke his truck. He took the broken wheel to Monkey and said, "Look how cool this is! Now that it's not stuck on the truck you can roll it all the way across the floor! Isn't that cool!?" To which Monkey replied, starstruck, ""
Brawn walks proudly over to me, "See, Mom, he's not upset, he thinks it's cool." — with Daryl Staley.
 ·  · Tag Friends · January 7 at 9:10am
    • Tia Wallin luke says he has the makings of a manager already, i say best story ever
      January 7 at 9:13am · 
    • Ay Wallin we don't want a politician in the family!! But that is a good story! :)
      January 7 at 9:26am ·  ·  1
    • Arlington Brock So ice to an escimo
      January 7 at 9:45am · 
    • Ellen Staley Such a quick thinker . . .
      January 7 at 10:02am · 
    • Christy Olson Inion time to tell big brother he has to trade trucks with little bro! :-)
      January 7 at 10:30am ·  ·  3
    • Stephanie Wilson Short Your life will not be boring...keep an eagle eye on that one especially.
      January 7 at 12:55pm ·  ·  1
    • Wallin Sara The funniest part was 20 minutes later, I saw BIG BROTHER playing with the wheel!
      January 7 at 1:18pm ·  ·  2

We've been reminding the kids all weekend that this is a hotel, where people pay to sleep, so we need to be quiet when we walk in the hallway. This morning we stepped off the elevator and MrMonkey turns to me and whispers ”Mommy, we gotta be kiet, peoples are seeping” — with Daryl Staley.
 ·  ·  · Tag Friends · January 16 at 9:36am via mobile

MsBrains quote of the day, ”Daddy, know why my tummy and his [MrBrawn] hurts? Cuz we got Grandpa Wallin's blood.” — with Ay Wallin.
 ·  ·  · Tag Friends · January 16 at 8:11pm via mobile
  • Ay Wallin likes this.
    • Gina Padilla I told you she was gonna be JUST LIKE GABI!! LMAO Love that kid!!
      January 16 at 8:11pm · 
    • Ay Wallin Love it! LOL

MrBrawn's quote of the day ”Daddy, we need one of those!”, pointing at a 4-wheeler (quad) at Bass Pro.
 ·  ·  · January 16 at 8:22pm via mobile

Conversation in Sam's Club:
MsBrains- ”Daddy, do we eat aminals?”
”Are monkeys aminals?”
”So the question is......... Do we eat monkeys?” — with Daryl Staley.
 ·  ·  · Tag Friends · January 23 at 11:19am via mobile