On December 10th we received word that the appeals court upheld the termination of rights! We get to move forward with plans for adoption!
On December 28th we got Pumpkin as a temporary placement. Oh what a dolly! And more curls for this mama to play with! She was placed more permanently with siblings this past weekend.
Last week, we went to the WIC office to have the kids' files updated and begin receiving services again. And then we learned that Giggles has been being claimed in another state and 9 months of his services have been given to someone else! This was not a matter of mistaken identity, but rather a matter of stolen identity. I have been working for a week to proof that he never left this residence.
We've recently been granted ongoing respite services for the Littles! Can I just say how excited I am? I feel a bit guilty too, but I've been told to just be grateful and accept it.
That's what's going on here on the home front.