I spoke with the new (as in 6th so far) Child Safety caseworker today. She will be coming to the home to meet him and us on Tuesday. There is still a chance that a family member will be approved to adopt this little guy. The thought makes me heart-sick. Can you imagine moving a 2 year old from the only family he knows simply because of a blood connection?
We will also begin adoption paperwork now. Once adoption placement is filed, it would take a court order to remove him from our home. It was comforting to hear that. Then, a minute later in the conversation she said that she's currently got 3 adoption cases in appeals. Yikes!!!
So, currently, we are specifically praying that he will be a part of our forever family, forever. And that Mama will be allowed to take him out of state for 2 months in order to help prepare some family real estate for sale. That's way too long for Daddy to work and be a single parent.
It's difficult to remember that this is the baby that we were asked 3 times to take before conceding. Our lives would be so so different without him. Possibly calmer, cleaner, and more predictable. But also less exciting and missing something. We wouldn't have his twinkling mischievous eyes, his arms around the neck hugs, or his full-throttle way of life.