Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Case Plan Change!

     Friday we had court, again, for our little guy. It felt intensely emotional as I sat there and listened to each attorney lobby for what they felt was best.
     First the state (CPS) asking for a change in case plan to Severance and Adoption. The child has now been in care for over 6 months. During that time there have been multiple missed appointments by both parents, suspicion of drug use, inconsistent visitations and several new home addresses, and most recently a domestic violence charge.
     The Child's Attorney then agreed with the state and also asked for a case plan change.
    Mother's attorney began by telling the court that Mom's recent incarceration could be seen as a good thing, because it gives her a chance to work her case plan individually and she would like the court to give the parents 1-2 more months.
    Father's attorney also asked for 1-2 more months based on the fact that the parents are now separated and they should be able to individually prove themselves as fit parents. He went on to detail several reasons that Dad deserves more chances, such as his learning disability has prevented him from regulatory attending appointments and now his family is going to help him.
THEN it was time for them all to start over again. I just knew the judge was going to give them more time.
The State reminded that judge that recently we had a court hearing that the child attended and became quite inconsolable. The parents were not able to deal with it in a healthy manner and CPS had to step in.
The Child's attorney then reminded the judge that he had given a 30 day continuance last time in order for the parents to show a significant change in behavior.
I was waiting for one of the parent's attorney's to speak and the Judge suddenly said;
"The court finds it is in the best interest of the child to change the case plan to severance and adoption"
Now, we wait.