In January the boys began having regular parental and sibling visits. We've noticed some behaviors that have come about because of this. This is normal for foster children, they are often angry and confused.
We have been told that this is because they are wondering "why can't I go home? "why won't my family take me with them?" "If I am naughty enough maybe they'll send me home" "I like these people I live with, but now I'm betraying my family so I need to act out"
We have been struggling to keep The Monkey healthy. He has had diarrhea since he came to us. We suspect lactose intolerance along with other allergies. Last week while changing his diaper Daryl was shot with some type of acidic liquid coming from his rectum. We were fitted into the schedule of the local allergy doctor within 48 hours. We are currently collecting stool samples, and he has been to the phlebotomist to have blood taken once. The blood test order was to test everything that he could be allergic to. The doctor said it would take 2 or 3 trips to collect enough blood to test it all. While we are testing we are also keeping him completely free of any and all dairy products, even butter flavored cookies and cheese flavored crackers.
We've also been very concerned about Mr. Brawn. His outbursts have become better controlled. He's been tested by the local school district for autism. We will meet with them later this month to find out their recommendations. If they recommend an Individualized Education Plan they will write one and then he will be enrolled in a developmental preschool. We will also be taking him to a developmental pediatrician later this month for a medical diagnosis. Hopefully with some answers we can give him more help.
Our daughter is completely in love with her brothers. I am not sure what she will do when they are no longer in our household.